November 2016

DATE & Learning Target 

Class Activities and Links 



I can identify strengths and weakness in others' writing. 

I can use my own checklist to edit my writing.   

What needs work on THESE DRAFTS

Editing YOUR paragraph

SUBMIT by end of class.

Review for Short Story TEST by taking the PRACTICE on Schoology


Review for Short Story TEST! 


I can identify traits that make someone a hero.


SUMMATIVE  on short stories

SSR when done

Another short story - "Will" by Adam Rex

Who is the hero of the story?  Why?????

What makes someone a hero?

Who is your favorite superhero?  Why?

If you don't have one,

try Marvel 

or Which Superhero are You?

List of Superheroes


I can identify traits that make someone a hero and how that is different from superhero.


What is the back story of your chosen superhero?   


Finish  "Will" by Adam Rex

Who is the hero of the story?  Why?????

What makes someone a hero?

What makes someone a SUPERhero?




Watch this video on Hero's Journey 

and this one too



I can identify traits that make someone a hero and how that is different from superhero.


STAR test -- then watch (silently, with ear buds) 

 this video on Hero's Journey 

and this one too -- be able to identify the steps of hero's journey NEXT class

Finish  "Will" by Adam Rex

Who is the hero of the story?  Why?????

What makes someone a hero?

What makes someone a SUPERhero?



Watch this video on Hero's Journey 

and this one too -- be able to identify the steps of hero's journey NEXT class




I can summarize challenges and identify the KEY element of it -- the nature of the challenge -- by connecting it with MY life.


STAR test



Formative Quiz on the Hero's Journey

Heracles (not the Roman knockoff Hercules!)

Everyone reads: 

The Hydra, the Augean Stables, and Cerberus

Honors Challenge also reads

The Nemean Lion, Erymanthian Boar, &  Hippolyta's Belt

Complete the Heracles' Labors  assignment in Schoology :)

Complete your reading of the labors (3 for CP; 6 for Honors Challenge)  


You will need these for next class's interim assignment


I can summarize challenges and identify the KEY element of it -- the nature of the challenge -- by connecting it with MY life.

Finish "Will" 

Formative Quiz on the Hero's Journey


Heracles (not the Roman knockoff Hercules!)

Complete the Heracles' Labors  assignment in Schoology :)

Everyone reads: 

The Hydra, the Augean Stables, and Cerberus


Honors Challenge also reads

The Nemean Lion, Erymanthian Boar, &  Hippolyta's Belt




Complete your reading of the labors (3 for CP; 6 for Honors Challenge)   

You will need these for next class's interim assignment


I can adapt ancient stories to the modern world, identifying and connecting with the nature of the challenge, not the setting.


I can write a story within a given amount of time (this block!).

You will need to be on Schoology today!

Formative Quiz on the Labors -- you must earn a 9/12 before starting on the Freshaclea/Freshacles  ASSIGNMENT ON SCHOOLOGY

You should be able to finish this task by end of class.  

SAMPLE FROM LAST YEAR = a bigger project but the same idea:  12 labors notes -.pdf 




Freshaclea/Freshacles  ASSIGNMENT ON SCHOOLOGY if not completed.  SUBMIT before next class.




I can analyze my own choice of hero to see what I value. 


Prefixes and some roots -- playing with words :)


Heroes -- Will, your superhero, Heracles

What makes a Hero -- capital H Hero?

What can we tell about YOU from your choice of a hero? 

Today's heroes? 

How about a hero that lies, steals, and cheats???



Finish the Heroes table... 


I can work with others to determine, from a large group, similar, key traits of modern American super heroes. 

More Prefixes and Roots

trans-, sub-

-port, -scribe, -mit

Adding onto your previous document, find and write out definitions for words that use the above prefixes + roots (Ex:  transmit)


Small groups (not your tables -- groups will be made) will share and compare superheroes, looking for shared traits, skills, or powers.  THEN they will come up with a description of what our current culture admires and values.  


Intro to The Odyssey -- How Odysseus ended up setting sail from Troy


Eat too much, sleep enough, and READ something wonderful!

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I can create NEW words as well as recognize parts of know words using prefixes and roots.


I can pass the quiz on background of The Odyssey

More Prefixes and Roots 

words you know and new ones:)

mono- one, single

auto- self, one

dia - through, across, between


graph- writing, recording (does it)

gram - written or recorded (result of graph)

log/logo - word,  talk

mania - madness, passion

biblio - book


Continued intro to The Odyssey



Take the background quiz on Schoology 6/8 = passing.




Honors Challenge:  read The Judgment of Paris.doc

(you have to click DOWNLOAD tab at top of wiki page to read)




I can recognize examples of kleos, nostos, and xenia in the reading.



3 KEY words to KNOW:  Kleos, Nostos, Xenia ...  


Kleos is the Greek word often translated to "renown", or "glory". It is related to the word "to hear" and carries the implied meaning of "what others hear about you". A Greek hero earns Kleos through accomplishing great deeds, often through his own death.

FAME is part of this...


Nostos is the Greek word for homecoming. It is a theme dealt with in many Homeric writings such as the Odyssey, in which the main character, Odysseus, strives to get home after the Trojan War. The plural term nostoi is applied to Greek heroes' homeward journeys after the taking of Troy.  Our word "nostalgia" comes from this root.


Xenia is the Greek concept of hospitality, or generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home. It is often translated as "guest-friendship" (or "ritualized friendship") because the rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest and host often involving exchange of gifts.


The Greek god Zeus was sometimes referred to as Zeus Xenios, meaning he was god of, among other things, travelers. This created a particular religious obligation to be hospitable to travelers, but guests also had responsibilities, beyond reciprocating hospitality.


CP Students read the excerpt from Bk V - hard copy


  • UNDERLINE all EPITHETS found -- ID the NAME of the individual being labelled
  • Ex:  messenger god = Hermes
  • Circle the Epic Simile and explain what is being to compared and why 


THEN Read Ch1 in 51csVAs7AZL.jpg (333×500)


Honors:  Book V in The Odyssey on Actively Learn  


BOTH have assignments in SCHOOLOGY!





Please note the dates!

Honors Challenge Students:  Complete your Bk V reading and questions on Actively Learn and post on Schoology before next class.